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In the Mahajrya tradition, some dates are dedicated to the contemplation of a precise spiritual aspect. In this way, every month of the year has one specific day of contemplation called minor celebrations. It goes the same for every year. Then there are the major celebrations that happen once each decade (2/2/2012, 2/2/2022...). In this period of time, if you are charging a mantra or doing a process, you can stop your practices and add one more day at the end of your process. The following lists mention the monthly dates and the annual dates that we suggest to take in consideration in the Mahajrya tradition. 

There are prayers and mantras for each celebration. Please Contact us for this information. 

Minor Celebrations

1/1 (January 1st): Day of the Creator (Major) 

2/2 (Februay 2nd): Day of the supreme consciousness
3/3 (March 3rd): Day of the awakening of the forces (divine, spiritual, and natural)
4/4 (April 4th): Day of Atma • dedicated to the soul.
5/5 (May 5th): Day of Karma • dedicated to integration and purification of the desires.
6/6 (June 6th): Day of Oneness • dedicated to unity with all things.
7/7 (July 7th): Enlightenment day (Major). Special celebration in community. Contact us
8/8 (August 8th): Day of Dharma • dedicated to spiritual teaching.
9/9 (Sepember 9th): Day of ShaktiDevi • dedicated to the Divine Mother.
10/10 (October 10th): Day of Gratitude 
11/11 (November 11th): Day of meditation • dedicated to transcendence.
12/12 (December 12th): Day of introspection • dedicated to the masks of the ego and to the end of a cycle.

Major Celebrations

1 / 1 / yyy1: Decade Day of Brahma • dedicated to the Creator.
2 / 2 / yyy2: Decade Day of SuBodha • dediacted to the Supreme Consciousness (Vishnu / Buddha / Christ)
3 / 3 / yyy3: Decade Day of the Great Transformation (Shiva / Avalokiteshwara / Holy Ghost) 
4 / 4 / yyy4: Decade Day of Paramatma • dedicated to the Great Soul.
5 / 5 / yyy5: Decade Day of PanchaButha • dedicated to the five elements. 
6 / 6 / yyy6: Decade Day of Prajna Paramita • dedicated to the Great Wisdom.
7 / 7 / yyy7: Decade Day of MahaSattva or Ishim • dedicated to the Perfected Spiritis and Great Beings. 
8 / 8 / yyy8: Decade Day of Sarva Dharma • dedicated to the complete Spiritual Teaching. 
9 / 9 / yyy9: Decade Day of ShaktiDevi • dedicated to the Divine Mother
10 / 10 / yy10: Decade Day of Maha Sangha • dedicated to the Great spiritual community.

Ordained Members

The structure of the Mahajrya Buddhist tradition is formed by the Maha Acharya, his 3 counsellers (Dharma Acharya, Bala Acharya and Atma Acharya) and the priesthood. Within the priesthood we have 3 titles: Adhyapaka (Teacher-priest), Dikshaka (full Priest) and Acharya (equivalent to Bishop)


In dictionary means "Teacher". The word comes from 2 other Sanskrit words: Adhi = Whatever is above + Apaka = immature; Thus Adhyapaka becomes the one that is above immaturity.
In this case has nothing to do with the age maturity or our mental knowledge but with the spiritual maturity. An Adhypaka or commonly called, teacher-priest, is the person that has matured in his/her spirituality, mastery is not accomplished yet, however this person has gone through the basics in their personal and spiritual growth. Those steps gave him/her sufficient spiritual maturity to transmit basic wisdom to others. An Adhyapaka affects students and environment at a mental level.


Diksha = initiation; Ka = to cause; Dikshaka means the one that causes the initiation. Thus spiritual guide or priest. A Dikshaka is one step further in spirituality than the Adhyapaka. Being a Dikshaka is not only the spiritual maturity but it has to do also with the commitment and devotion, firstly to his/her own spiritual path and secondly to the taking care of others. Still mastery over themselves and spirituality is not accomplished. But there is a profound practice and dedication that allows the Dikshaka to not only to be able to guide others but to be conscious enough to give an initiation of the wisdom practiced and understood to students. A Dikshaka causes an effect in the mental and emotional planes of students and environment.


Means Spritiual Master with deep knowledge, wisdom and experience in spirituality. Now self mastery is accomplished. An Acharya is a Master of himself/herself (never with authority over others) that conquered his/her own mental/emotional and specifically physical planes. For that reason is a Master of mental/emotional and physical detachments which allows him/her to do any sacrifice needed for the evolution of students. Ego is not concerned any more while teaching, only the evolution and well-being of others. Even an Acharya still has reactions and emotions to resolve, when needed Virtuous behaviors will be the only outcome. In this person, the Soul is the one in charge instead of the human. An Acharya causes a deep effect in the mental/emotional/physical planes of students and environment.

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All material on this websites is copyright of the Quantum Buddhism Association © and may not be reproduced without prior permission. Some material used with permission from the authors. Quantum Buddhism is a modern adaptation of the MahaJrya (Great Field) Buddhist tradition. Proudly created by HS Designs

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